Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome To Rompy's World

Welcome to Rompy's World -- the official blog for Romp n' Roll. As of today, we have 14 children's play centers across the U.S. -- eight of which are open and six are under development. We cater exclusively to children under the age of six, offering the widest variety of camps, classes, and birthday parties. Our classes include Gym and Tumble Tunes (age specifc classes), as well as a growing list of "specialty classes" such us Princess class, Superheroes, Silly Science, Aargh Matey!, Paint Paint Paint, Construction Junction, Art Explorers and more!

Rompy is our beloved mascot at Romp n' Roll so it only fitting that we name our blog after him.

If you are interested in a children's franchise, please contact us at for more information.

We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures at Romp n' Roll. For a long time we've said we'll "write a book someday". This may the closest we come -- so enjoy!

Michael and Babz